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Setting Up the Basic Development Environment

Setting Up the Mac Environment

Main Steps


⚠️ Note: The project currently includes a rust-toolchain.toml file by default, so it will use the Rust environment configured in that file. If you have installed Rust via Homebrew, you may encounter version conflicts. You will need to uninstall Rust and then set up the environment according to the instructions below.

To run the code, you need to set up the Rust development environment first. After initializing the Rust environment, the project mainly depends on cmake, rocksdb, and protoc. You need to install these dependencies based on your operating system.

rustup install stable
rustup default stable
rustc --version
  • Install Cmake
  • Installation command for macOS:
brew install cmake
brew install rocksdb
brew install protobuf

Configuring the pre-commit Plugin

RobustMQ uses pre-commit by default for code pre-commit checks, so you need to install the specified version of the pre-commit tool.

First, you need to create a virtual environment using Python (version 3.8 or higher). The installation command is as follows:

python3 -m venv precommit_venv

After installation, activate the virtual environment with the following command:

source ./precommit_venv/bin/activate

Then, install the specified version of pre-commit using the project's environment:

pip3 install -r ./.requirements-precommit.txt

After installation, initialize the pre-commit hooks for the project content with the following command:

pre-commit install


⚠️ Note:

  1. For any subsequent git commit operations, pre-commit will execute the corresponding checks. If you don't want to run the checks every time you commit, you can use git commit -n to skip the checks.
  2. The pre-commit checks have been set to the stage; for tests and strict checks, they will be executed at the pre-push stage. To install the pre-push hooks, you need to use pre-commit install --hook-type pre-push.

The checks carried by pre-commit use tools such as next-test, hawkeye, clippy, typos, and cargo-deny. If any of these tools are missing, you can install them using the following commands:

cargo install hawkeye@5.8.1
cargo install typos-cli
cargo install cargo-deny@0.16.2 --locked
cargo install cargo-nextest@0.9.84